Governing Board-Tri-Impact

Mrs. Geeta Athreya
Ms. Geeta Athreya is a renowned philanthropist who has devoted her life to social development and human welfare. Currently, an independent Development Consultant, she has helped bring about substantial global reforms while working with government and local bodies in the domains of Health and Education. She has been at the foreground of India’s social development movement and has been an important subsidiary with several Bilateral and Multilateral aid and donor agencies.
As a dynamic speaker and an impressive personality, she has represented in various international events such as the Third World Summit for Children, Greece, 2001; International Union of Health Education Conference, Amsterdam, 1991; communication for Development Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal. Ms. Athreya also has contributed several articles on Health Communication and Child Rights.
Since her association with GoodWeave India Trust, Ms. Athreya has added dimensional value to the organization by bringing more than 30 years of development experience to her role as a board member.

Prof P.C. Joshi
Prof. P.C. Joshi, Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi, is a Professor of Social Anthropology at the Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, India. His area of specialization is Medical Anthropology, and he focuses on Anthropology of Disasters, Anthropology of Development, and on issues related to Social Exclusion and Adverse Inclusion.
Prof. Joshi was a delegate of the European Union at the United Nations Framework Climate Change Conference held at Poznan, Poland, in 2008. He was the first president of the Society for Indian Medical Anthropology and Executive Member of the Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society based in Lucknow, India. He is a life member of the India Anthropological Association and a Life Fellow of the Indian Association of Social Psychiatry. He is the Editor of the Society for Medical Anthropology Bulletin.
Prof P. C. Joshi, among other honors and distinctions, was a recipient in 1987 of the Indira Priyadarshini Vriksha Mitra National Award as a founder member of Friends of Trees. He received the Inter-University Centre Associateship Award in Humanities and Social Sciences
from 1996–1999. He also received a Certificate of Honour at the First France-India Meet on Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychotherapy in 2007. Plaque of Appreciation from Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan de Oro City, the Philippines in 2008, and Certificate of Appreciation on his research on disaster impacts in Asia and Europe by the Faculty of Public Health, the University of Indonesia in 2009. He also has the distinction of discovering a Palaeolithic site in Delhi in 1983
Prof Joshi has co-authored nine books, over 157 articles, book chapters, and reviews in the area of Medical Anthropology, Traditional Medicines, Shamanism, Impact of Disasters, Lifestyle Diseases, and Antibiotic Resistance. He has worked on many research projects and submitted over 14 research reports to various funding agencies and government policy planning agencies. He has worked in interdisciplinary areas with psychiatrists, psychologists, epidemiologists, and other researchers on various topics and co-authored many papers. His papers have appeared in journals such as World Development, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Man in India, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Indian Journal of Medical Research, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, and National Medical Journal of India.
Prof. Joshi is an eminent expert in qualitative participatory research in India and an expert on unsettled populations such as migrant workers and counseling techniques.
Prof Joshi has been guiding Tri-Impact on various fronts such as participatory qualitative research related to supply chains and building linkages with various academic institutions.

Mr. Manoj Bhatt
Mr. Manoj Bhatt is a social entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in supply chain sustainability, climate action, child rights, working condition improvement, and building systems change organizations.
Mr. Bhatt holds a master’s degree in International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University; New York, USA, another Master’s in Political Science from HNB University; Uttaranchal, India, and a certificate in Asset-Based and Citizen Driven Development from Cody International Institute, Canada.
As Country Director of GoodWeave Certification Pvt Limited from 2012 for almost a decade, Mr. Bhatt promoted supply chain sustainability, transparency, and working conditions improvement at the bottom of the global supply chains. His work supported the producers associated with international brands in addressing the risks of Child Labor, Trafficking, and Forced Labor.
Mr. Manoj Bhatt is the founding Managing Trustee of Tri-Impact Global (formerly GoodWeave India Trust). Under his leadership, Tri-Impact Global has led collaborative child-centric education programs for workers’ communities associated with global supply chains. These programs supported the education of around 45,000 at-risk children. Mr. Bhatt also developed and led capacity-building programs for producers on responsible hiring and outsourcing and Participatory Action Learning-based supply chain improvement programs to address human rights risks, including Child Labor, through fostering collaboration.
Mr. Bhatt founded RACHNA in 2007, a network of non-profits working to build green communities by empowering local entrepreneurs and businesses in the Indian Himalayas. He also conceptualized and convened a mountain children’s forum in the south Asian Himalayan areas to empower mountain youth. Mr. Bhatt represented the Central Himalayan region in the Rio+5 Earth Summit – a special session of the UN General Assembly in 1997 organized to review and appraise the implementation of Agenda 21. He created a network of thousands of grassroots elected community leaders, focusing on women leaders to promote learning regarding ecological issues.
Mr. Bhatt managed and led one of the largest non-profits in Indian Himalayas for almost five years, called SBMA, and led its child and women-centric programs in hundreds of villages in partnership with various prestigious global development agencies and the government of India.
Mr. Bhatt has been awarded numerous honors and awards for his exceptional public service and social entrepreneurship, including the Ashoka Innovators for the Public Fellowship Award, Ford Foundation International Fellowship, and Climate Change Leader Award under the British High Commission’s Leadership for Environment and Development program. He was a Future Generations USA Fellow, working with world-class leaders and professionals leading exemplary and high-impact social change in different parts of the world. Mr. Bhatt was also a Fellow of the Rainer Arnhold Fellows Program of the Mulago Foundation, USA. He applied sustainable and scalable change theories in different settings in the USA, India, and Nepal.
Mr. Bhatt was selected as one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs working in the apparel sector as a Fabric of Change leader. He was also invited to the Ashoka Globalizer program that enables the world’s leading social entrepreneurs to scale their social enterprises and reach new markets. The program links initiatives ready for a global scale to the financial, strategic, and intellectual support they require to go global.
Mr. Bhatt was a member of the Technical Committee of ISEAL Alliance, which represents the global movement of sustainability standards. He speaks at various national and international forums and panels organized by groups such as UNICEF, UNFSS, CRB, and BBC. He also contributes to social and environmental impact awards as a jury member.