From the outside, the issues of the betterment of workers in the supply chains, the promotion of climate action, and sustainability-based prosperity may appear separate. We think that they are all connected, so solutions that deal with the connected issues need to be holistic. The solution cannot be just one or a quick fix. Solutions are always complex and have multiple dimensions. Solutions are required to be developed, tested, and refined through stakeholder participation.
It is impossible to achieve a holistic change centred on people, the planet, and prosperity without collaboration. Action must be launched and facilitated to ensure collaboration among diverse stakeholders. In other words, we cannot obtain a blueprint for collaborative and consensual solutions in a classroom or conference room. Therefore, it is important to act to create opportunities for stakeholder participation, collaboration, and feedback on the ground. Initiation of action is critical.

We believe that collaboration for improvement in situations where stakeholders are very diverse, such as at the base of global supply chains of textiles and agriculture, can only be evolved through learning from stakeholders, initiating actions, and refining them. As the solutions show impact for all associated and the momentum of change grows, the degree of consensus increases among stakeholders. Our goal is to achieve improvements for all stakeholders, where no one is harmed and everyone wins.
Not only does Tri-Impact’s collaborative action approach help improve the solutions, but it also builds an ecosystem of stakeholders to sustain and scale the momentum of change.
We believe that the short-term profit-focused mindset, economic system, and socio-political system that breeds social and economic inequalities such as poor working conditions for workers also see climate action against their interest.
The workers who are victims of non-transparent, irresponsible supply chain practices, are often from the most vulnerable marginal, and migrant populations that are also often vulnerable to becoming victims of climate change-induced floods, droughts, and crop failures.
Information Technology and any other technology-focused programs must include reducing social inequalities and should have climate mindfulness in the world facing an existential crisis. The WorkersJoint digital platform developed and promoted by Tri-Impact is designed to make informal sector workers, and self-employed micro-producers visible to better employers in the job and job-work market. Most of these workers are on the invisible side of the digital divide. The visibility of workers and micro-producers on the WorkersJoint platform supports workers in obtaining better employment, and it helps businesses in fulfilling responsible hiring and outsourcing.
Tri-Impact has been working with businesses to share their best practices on people, planet, and prosperity issues. This helps the best practices grow and incentivizes businesses in terms of brand building.
Tri-Impact works to facilitate research, training, and capacity building to launch new solutions on the ground.
We help stakeholders conduct due diligence, social and environmental audits, market surveys and research, support worker grievance mechanisms, train supply chain actors, build linkages with climate-friendly technology, market research, and responsible sourcing.
Tri-Impact also works to build the capacity of businesses and their supply chains to ensure that businesses are equipped to build collaborations with local stakeholders such as government programs, schools, and hospitals to fulfil their social and environmental responsibility and accountability.

Business Partners
Indian businesses
Tri-Impact collaborates with Indian businesses to identify their impact on the life of their workers, society, and the environment. These efforts and initiatives are then documented to create an Impact Profile of the businesses. Tri-Impact believes that such identification and documentation of the actions of the businesses motivates them in their efforts and helps them build support systems for such efforts to enhance their work. It also helps the companies address their growth needs by building business partnerships with appropriate companies.
International businesses and organizations
Tri-Impact collaborates with international impact-oriented organizations, brands, importers who want to source products from companies in India that are not creating any adverse impact on the environment and take good care of their workers and their families. Tri-Impact provides a wide range of services to such companies, including carrying out due diligence, training, and capacity building of their suppliers to enrich the impact on working conditions and the environmental action.